For more information or to book a presentation contact Liz Benneian, Manager, Environmental Education by email at or phone her at 905-562-3819.

Ontariogreen Conservation Association’s Environmental Science Programs

For Grades K to 8 

Science (S), Social Studies (SS) or Geography (G) curricula.

Kindergarten — Terrific Trees — 20 minutes — this presentation introduces students to some interesting native trees they can find in their community and talks about the important role trees play in our urban environment.

Kindergarten — What's Bugging The Trees? — 20 minutes — A look at some of the insect pests that are causing problems for our trees and what we can do about them.

Grade 1 — The Power Of One: What You Can Do To Save the Planet — 20 minutes

(S) Understanding Matter and Energy: Energy in Our Lives

Grade 1 — Global Warming: What You Can Do To Make A Difference — 20 minutes

(S) Understanding Matter and Energy: Energy in Our Lives

Grade 1— Zero Waste: Cleaning Up Our Planet — 20 minutes
(S) Understanding Matter and Energy: Energy In Our Lives

Grade 1 — When The Forest Falls Asleep: a lyrical tale of how plants and animals prepare for winter — 20 minutes

(S) Understanding Earth and Space Systems

Grade 2 — Beneficial Bugs: A look at the Critical Importance of Nature’s Smallest Creatures — 40 minutes

(S) Understanding Life Systems: Growth and Changes in Animals

Grade 2 — Birds: Our Only Surviving Dinosaurs — 40 minutes
(S) Understanding Life Systems: Growth and Changes in Animals

Grade 2 — Urban Animals Large and Small — 40 minutes
(S) Understanding Life Systems: Growth and Changes in Animals

Grade 2 — Water — 40 minutes
(S) Understanding Matter and Energy Properties of Liquids and Solids

Grade 3 — Pretty Amazing Plants: Good Things (& a Few Bad Things) That Are Growing All Around Us — 40 minutes

(S) Understanding Life Systems: Growth and Changes In Plantsyour paragraph here.

Grade 3 — Soil: The Dirt On The EcoSystem Beneath Our Feet — 40 minutes

(S) Understanding Life Systems: Growth and Changes In Plants

Grade 4 — No Place Like Home: Local Habitats, The Creatures That Live There & The Threats They Face — 40 minutes

(S) Understanding Life Systems: Habitats and Communities

Grade 4 — Wetlands — Ontario’s most productive ecosystems — 40 minutes

(S) Understanding Life Systems: Habitats and Communities

Grade 4 — A Living Legacy: How Plants are Used by Ontario’s First Nations — 40 minutes (S) Understanding Life Systems: Habitats and Communities

Grade 4 — Good To Grow: How vegetable gardening helps you and the planet — 40 minutes (S) Understanding Life Systems: Habitats and Communities

Grade 5 — Global Warming — Causes, Impacts and Adaptations For Ontario — 40 minutes (S) Understanding Earth and Space Systems and Conservation of Energy and Resources

Grade 5 — Zero Waste — Setting a Goal To Clean Up The Planet — 40 minutes
(S) Understanding Earth and Space Systems and Conservation of Energy and Resources (SS) People and Environments: The role of governments and Responsible Citizenship

Grade 6 — Bright Ideas: Energy Saving/Creating Ideas From Around the World — 40 minutes
(S) Understanding Matter and Energy: Electricity and Electrical Devices

Grade 6 — Restoring Nature: Naturalizing Urban Areas For A Healthier Environment — 60 minutes
(S) Understanding Life Systems: Biodiversity

Grade 7 — Transportation and the Future of Cars — 60 to 70 minutes — Interactive component
(S) Understanding Life Systems and Interactions in the Environment
(G) Physical Patterns in a Changing World and Natural Resources Around the World: Use and Sustainability

Grade 7  and Grade 8 — Sustainable Cities — Creating Resilient Urban Ecosystems — 60 minutes & Grade 8

(S) Understanding Life Systems and Interactions in the Environment
(G) Physical Patterns in a Changing World and Natural Resources Around the World: Use and Sustainability

Grade 8 — Managing Waste: Is Our Current System Working and What Are The Alternatives? — 60 to 70 minutes
(G) Global Settlement: Patterns and Sustainability

Grade 8 — Essential Element: Protecting Our Water Sources — 60 to 70 minutes
(G) Understanding Earth and Space Systems: Water Systems

Grade 8 — Improving Biodiversity: Why The Web Of Life Is A Safety Net — 60 to 70 minutes
(G) Understanding Earth and Space Systems: Water Systems

Presentations Suitable For Multiple Grades

Top 10 Things You Can Do For The Planet — 20 to 30 minutes. Separate presentations for Grades K to 3 and 4 to 8. 

Living With Coyotes — 40 minutes. Based on expert advice, this presentation explores all aspects of this intelligent and very adaptive animal while also teaching students what to do if they encounter a coyote. It is suitable for all ages though we suggest the presentation be given separately to Grades K to 3 and 4 to 8.

A Change For the Better: Stories of Conservation Success — 20 minutes
Presentations for Grades 4 to 8

The Trumpeters’ Tale: The amazing conservation success story of Ontario’s Trumpeter Swans — 45 minutes

​​Students from St. Andrew Catholic School in Oakville and environmental educator Heather Allsop. 

​​​School Programs

​​​​​​​Ontariogreen Conservation Association has engaging, free, presentations based on the Ontario Science, Social Studies and Geography curricula, to complement your course work or to contribute to your ECO School Certification. As well, we can help schools with schoolyard naturalization and planning outdoor classrooms (for more information please click the Naturalization button on the home page).

Below is a list of presentations that are offered by Ontariogreen.

Given appropriate lead time, other presentations can be developed upon request. We have noted where these programs fit into the Ontario curricula.

Presentations for teachers and community groups are also available.